Cleaning Textured Synthetic Floor

How To Clean Your Textured Athletic Surface

Regular Maintenance

Equipment and Supplies

  • Automatic scrubber, maximum 300 RPM equipped only with soft nylon bristle brushes
  • High-quality backpack vacuum
  • Rebound Regular Formulation, Neutral PH cleaner

Cleaning Regimen

  • Thoroughly vacuum surface to remove all loose dirt and debris.
  • In large facilities, clean one section at a time.
  • For normal cleaning, dilute Rebound 2–3 oz per gallon; for heavily soiled surfaces 5–10 oz per gallon or dilute following the manufacturer’s recommendations.
  • Using auto-scrub, without engaging the brush or vacuum, apply sufficient solution to thoroughly wet floor.
  • Allow detergent to stand on floor for at least 11 minutes, do not allow drying.
  • Engage brush only on auto-scrub and scrub floor in multiple directions.
  • On last pass with auto-scrub, engage vacuum and remove soiled water.
  • Thoroughly rinse floor with clean water, repeat as many times as necessary to remove all detergent and soil.
  • Allow floor to completely dry before returning to use.

Annual Rejuvenation Cleaning

Equipment and Supplies

  • Automatic scrubber, maximum 300 RPM equipped only with soft nylon bristle brushes
  • High-quality backpack vacuum
  • Rebound Regular Formulation, Neutral PH cleaner

Cleaning Regimen

  • Thoroughly vacuum surface to remove all loose dirt and debris.
  • In large facilities, clean one section at a time.
  • For normal cleaning, dilute Rebound 2–3 oz per gallon; for heavily soiled surfaces 5–10 oz per gallon or dilute following the manufacturer’s recommendations.
  • Using auto-scrub, without engaging the brush or vacuum, apply sufficient solution to thoroughly wet floor.
  • Allow detergent to stand on floor for at least 11 minutes, do not allow drying.
  • Engage brush only on auto-scrub and scrub floor in multiple directions.
  • On last pass with auto-scrub, engage vacuum and remove soiled water.
  • Thoroughly rinse floor with clean water, repeat as many times as necessary to remove all detergent and soil.
  • Allow floor to completely dry before returning to use.

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